Why aren't there any lights on at the white house? It's the middle of the day and pretty dark from snowing. The top right window is supposedly a kitchen? I'm sure there's people there that have to eat. Is this normal?
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Because POTUS is in Florida.
Someone is pushing snow on roof!
The 'gallows' is still there as well. Must be waiting for FedEx to drop off the rope.
I’m sorry what? Link to a photo?
Neck stretchin' structure
Don’t see it.
To the right of the lower center in the foreground is a construction lift. Behind that lift is the instrument of justice. It's white, probably about 100 to 120 feet long, three stories.
Come to think of it, it’s just sitting there. There’s no pipes, broken ground, or anything to suggest construction work. Is there any construction work that close that we know of? You would think Biden would have it removed day 1.
Apparently it has been there before, as a press viewing structure for special events such as inaugurations. Didn't see any obvious indications of a trap door mechanism so they might be setting all that up on the other side.
I was referring to the crane. But the fact that these are inauguration leftovers is also weird. They should be dismantled by now.
I just had a thought. Do we know who owns EarthTV? Should keep eyes & ears open for if it goes down like RobinHood.
Did a quick search and it appears to be a German based company.
Earth TV is a German satellite television network. https://www.earthtv.com/en
Ooh, indeed, very interesting!
He forgot to pay the electric bill the old senile fool lol
there are a couple of lights on
simplest solution is pbly the correct one
due to all the wrangling and security and late departure of Trump the dems are not fully moved in yet and no one is in residence there properly.
just using it like an office for pressers and signings etc. for now
it does beg the question as to where Biden and co. are being housed, but it's not like they are going to broadcast an alternative location.
i don't buy this TV set BS - it would be easier just to use the real thing
if Trump and Mil. have locked the dems outta the WH and they have to fake it - they would be having a hissy fit about it. If Biden is a puppet install on a plea bargain, the most secure place for him would be in the real WH.
You're missing a lot of important info there. And twisting yourself into a pretzel to dismiss the very obvious irregularities as nothing to watch and ponder.. I don't know what it is but it's certainly sonething to watch and ponder
The fake WH narrative is going to develop into a huge embarrassment. People are still commenting about the lights going out at 11pm, even though its now proven that the lights were going out at 11pm back in 2018 (at least).
the best way to kill a conspiracy theory is to dump even more crazy ones on top of it - then the entire narrative is distorted and anyone who mentions anything outside of the official story is a nutcase....
chemtrails is an obvious one - yes they can seed clouds - yes jetliners leave trails when warm fronts are coming in - yes it looks like the busy air routes change the weather - no there are not special tanks in the commercial jets to spray the skies on a daily basis... it's just thin upper atmosphere moisture content and condensation from exhaust.
i gotta wonder if this whole Q thing although riddle with hard truths - is the conspiracy to end them all - cos if nothing happens by April - and we've been duped, you'll never be able to mention an alternative narrative again without someone calling you a Q nutcase.
there's so many ppl hammering crap on telegram - it makes you wonder who exactly is making a profession out of this ? CIA ? NSA ? MI5 ?
who has the time of day to pump these drops 24.7 ?
Can you send me a link to this. People have been arguing with me about it every freaking night. They are clinging so tightly to this even when I explain that I watched the WH every night the week before the inauguration and the lights were out every night. I found articles about the lights going out every night at 11pm back in June 2020. But the articles were MSM, so they don't believe them. And it's hard to blame them lol, but I'd love a source/proof they would accept.
Best one I saw was a Travelocity site comment post that was simply some woman describing her experience at the WH one night back in 2018. Travelocity is a hotel/destination review site, not political at all. She made the comment about how relaxing and peaceful it became after 11:00pm when the lights went out. This, to me, is better than any 'proof' site. Sadly, I can't easily find it. It was linked here on GAW as a debunk, but ... as you know ... there are literally hundreds of such posts!
Thanks! Yeah, I know how hard it is to find old posts haha
Here it is https://greatawakening.win/p/11SK7EoQkw/psa-white-house-lights-go-out-ev/
You rock! I just bookmarked it. But my gosh people just keep arguing about it! They are so desperate for it to mean something. But I haven't seen ANY evidence of the outside lights staying on past 11 while Trump was there. Grrrrr
Like please, prove me wrong. Show me any article or pictures or videos that will prove that this is in any way weird. lol
People now are so desperate for 'a sign', they are seeing faces in clouds and Virgin Marys in puddles. I have a 'thing' about insects; I often see dark specks on my white carpet, and stare at it for a while, imagining that it's moving. Then I realize, it's just a bit of fluff from my sweater.
Newsweek article said it was in response to George Floyd riots, and also said that it’s only for the death of a sitting President. Travelocity (maybe not political, but at the same time not meant for news) comment said it was in response to a protest in 2018. I suggest rereading these sources.
Are we reading the same Newsweek article? I guess we read into words what our minds want to see. From the newsweek article: "The White House has said there was nothing unusual about the building's lights going out on Sunday evening as the 11 p.m. curfew imposed on residents in Washington, D.C. fell amid protests over the death of George Floyd."
"As the 11 p.m. curfew arrived, the exterior lights outside the north side of the White House were turned off, with The Guardian reporting that "in normal times, they are only ever turned off when a president dies.""
"The White House, however, has insisted that there was "nothing new" about the lights-out incident.
"This is nothing new," White House spokesperson Hogan Gidley told Newsweek on Monday. "The White House lights go out at about 11 p.m. almost every night," he said."
Because Joe prefers hot dogs and pizza from Chicago over anything that would be prepared at the WH.