The daily "drip" of information continues. My wife is even redpilled now. She wasn't on the left at all but refused to even talk about what's going on. She was red-pilled on her own. Reddit led her to WSB which lead her to Telegram and from there the pill went down. She is highly skeptical about a lot of the reporting, the science fiction and supernatural posts for sure. However I feel she represents a large demographic. It also shows me how others are waking up.
We are watching a movie with new plotlines being introduced daily, on purpose. I am positive the white hts are among us, gently nudging the topic focus to go mainstream. Not too fast, just trickling out.
She watched "fall of the cabal" last night, this morning posts are about Pedos and pizza She watched Trading places" about 10 days ago, then GME and WSB became front page. Last night we were watching "catch me if you can" In it Christopher Walken uses the phrase "to the moon" multiple times Now JP morgan and the silver market and very prominent. Obviously the info was already there...for the redpilled, not to people like my wife.
The two motion picture are Trending on their platforms, and FOTC she found through Telegram. Many people will take similar paths. #bidenlied trending on Twitter #1!!!
We've asked for habbenings and they HAVE been habbening. 80% is supposed to be dark ops. Tomorrow does represent an important day. Its national fweedom day AND the highly anticipated DNI report should be due. Also add Flyns "30 days: in reference to a George Washington speech and we arrive at tomorrow. Sorry to datefag but those are all facts.
How many coincidences.......