posted ago by trumpisQ ago by trumpisQ +34 / -0

https://qposts.online/?q=precipice&s=keyword november 4th felt like the precipice when trump had called the 4am fraudulent ballot dumps the night before

texas SCOTUS case tossed out felt like the precipice

barr saying there’s no election fraud felt like the precipice

45 day markers from trump’s EO about election fraud and seizing traitors and foreigner assets come and go with seemingly no action felt like the precipice

antifa dressed as MAGA and LARPing on jan 6 felt like the precipice

pence verifying the fraud on jan 6 felt like the precipice

the fake and gay prerecorded inauguration with seemingly nothing happening felt like the precipice

everyday biden sitting at his cuck midget table signing terrifying executive actions and executive orders from his fake studio oval office felt like the precipice

GME stock to the moon (HOLD UNTIL $69,420.00 per share) and its ripple effects feels like a precipice

all i know fursur is this movie is fuckin scary, this train has no brakes, datefags are gay, the “ending won’t be for everyone”, and i’ve been thinking about a stinky, greasy, scared gaddafi getting pulled up from a sandy pit and knifed up the butt.

i don’t want us to lose this battle. i pray it’s true we’ve already won.

if none of these scenarios were the actual precipice, then holy fucking shit this is going to be a wild fucking ride. i’m buckled. i’m ready. i’m holding my stonks and i hope we don’t get gaddafi’d