Why do you think every major media outlet is pushing it? They are trying to take the focus off GameStop which is the real issue because they shorted it over 100%. Citadel owns a massive amount of SLV and they are trying to draw the price up at your expense to cover their GameStop loss. Don’t buy silver unless it’s physical Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l9runf/the_silver_squeeze_is_a_hedgefund_coordinated/ Lots of stuff on WSB about it too
Edit: looks like the shills have switched to telling us to buy silver and less of the “q is a domestic terrorist” line. They must have gotten an NPC upgrade over the weekend
You offer nothing to back-up your claim that Citadel owns "a massive amount of SLV". Your post is nothing but misinformation; except for the blurb about buying physical Ag.
The reason that physical silver is ridiculously low compared to gold, for instance, is because the big boys are SHORTING it. This post goes hard against that grain.
His source is opinions on reddit