78 Ok... what about this? Just got posted as "insurance snippets" (media.greatawakening.win) BREAKING NEWS posted 3 years ago by CrackinBallsCuh 3 years ago by CrackinBallsCuh +78 / -0 33 comments download share 33 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Anybody checked them yet?
Idk how to even open it
See https://superuser.com/questions/370388/simple-built-in-way-to-encrypt-and-decrypt-a-file-on-a-mac-via-command-line
Uncertain about windows or Linux
I’m using OpenSSL... I just need somebody who knows encryption to ELI5 what to input as the password lol
Need 256 bits of data or 32 bytes (32 ascii characters) but the password also has salts. I’m out of my element.
I'm not sure either but my guess would be.
openssl enc -d -a -in encrypted_file_path -out decrypted_out.txt
And it would ask for a password