Many of you may be friends with The "True Great Awakening" account on Telegram. The avatar is pic of JFK JR. He does post good things but this guy is also asking for money all the time. Do not give him a dime. He compiles information online and then reposts it on his account. Anyone who is on our side will not ask for money for information especially when it can be found online. This guy is asking for money everyday. DO NOT give him any money. It's exploitive and ridiculous. Be careful, just a heads up.
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Honestly, it does take time to compile and post all the data. If someone wants to tip him, is it any different than tipping someone who delivers food? You COULD go get it from the restaurant yourself, but you tip (or you should) for the convenience of having it brought to you.
I'm not seeing a difference. It's not like he's saying you have to tip me first before I deliver the docs. He's delivering them to one spot for your convenience and if you feel so inclined, has an account so you can throw some scratch his way for the trouble.
agree, but the people bitchin probably paid $15 bucks multiple times to watch a shitty starwars movie, made by a bunch of pedophiles. bu bu bu bu but thats entertainment... geez