The Articles of Incorporation for UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY formed in 1925.
You can fall into a huge rabbit hole researching what the actual truth is. Is is very hard to discern. Why is UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY a corporation in perpetuity with only 3 stockholders named? Every state has a registered agent for this corporation as well and if you take the time you find the corporation and its registered agent on the secretary of state website for each state.
Found this today:
The Articles of Incorporation for UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY formed in 1925.
You can fall into a huge rabbit hole researching what the actual truth is. Is is very hard to discern. Why is UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY a corporation in perpetuity with only 3 stockholders named? Every state has a registered agent for this corporation as well and if you take the time you find the corporation and its registered agent on the secretary of state website for each state.
Original 1925 Incorporation filing document here:
Registered agents for this corporation in all 50 states here:
I searched a few of those addresses for the registered agents and all of them were law firms.
They usually are. When you incorporate you must list an agent. SOP in business.