In and out...1 item...kept my sunglasses on. I hate that i am shaking.
I still gotta put it on at work...ugh....thats why i sometimes work from home even though im way more productive in the office....legit mask anxiety. I feel suffocated. F masks!!!!
I never wear it. And many times people will see me not wearing and take theirs off. I love it.
That’s what my goal is. But if some dumbass confronts me, ugh....i don’t want to cry.
Remember that most of the people that confront you don't want to confront you and their hearts are beating just as hard as yours. They do not know the laws, except HIPPA. If they keep pressing you just turn to them, look them in the eyes, and say "if you continue this conversation with me, you are violating HIPPA laws." and walk away. I worked in a grocery store for 16 years. These people don't want to talk to you as much as you don't want you to talk to them. Occasionally you'll come across some loser that things they are AMAZING at their job and will try to confront you because they feel like their bosses will back them up... trust me, they will fall over if you act confident.