posted ago by Aenima1 ago by Aenima1 +4 / -2

How does this happen?

To understand this you need to understand 5 primary things:

History, Economics, Geopolitics —- TECHNOLOGY —- and human Psychology.

It is possible to effectively destabilize a National banking system and replace it with a foreign one that controls the Nation and its leaders... it is possible to assume control of a Constitutional Democratic Republic so that the Republic is no longer free. It is possible to bind a Nation to a corporate ruler and leverage its population. It takes immense wealth, power, strategy and resources. But actually, this is the way of elite Geopolitics.

This is the reality you need to re-frame to:

The corrupt, controlling conglomerate that has been leveraging America for decades, unconstitutionally robbing We The People of their freedoms, voice, and lives, has recently been “bankrupted.” Yes, economically dealt a major blow.

There has been a recent and unprecedented geopolitical shift of power from an “outsider” who was not under the total sway of global elitism, at least in terms of their schemes. He actually decided his legacy would be the Restoration of the Republic, along with a proverbial middle finger to those who bound it. BOSS level.

This OG understood geopolitical control/leverage mechanisms of backchannel economics, blackmail, organized crime and spooky fixers that Power Entities use to bind Government leaders and Corporate elites to their generational wealth and perpetuation of power schemes...

He also understood the value of ending the Petrodollar and antiquated Steel Cycle scheme, which perpetuates a scarcity model, in favor of the industrial revolution of the future.

To understand how he came to this realization, and strategically decided to shake things up.. you need to understand the little discussed but well documented history of how the Republic of the United States was leveraged by a foreign power entity, many years ago...

Let that sink in.

Your “Vote” hasn’t actually counted, in a very long time.

Let’s re-visit American history and examine it with a new perspective.

The Civil War was devastating. The vying of Powerful foreign entities co-opting control of the Republic in economic distress was a real and ever-present threat. Geopolitics and Economics are complicated.

It finally came down to 4 key factors:

Rothschild, JP Morgan, Rockefeller .... Feel free to research it for yourself. It’s all there, but it’s been systematically conditioned out of our cognitive realities.. primarily through education decline and narrative exploitation, which has only leveled up over the decades with the press and the advent of technologies and Gold.