We all agree.. People need to stop diddling kids and start realizing that a weaponized citizenry is what keeps our nation stable.
Removing the right to arms and protecting of private properties essentially ties the hands of the people to be able to defend or offend against a corrupt or tyrannical governing body.
What we have here is an illegitimate Presidency. Real or not, movie or not, smoke and mirrors or not, we have a President taking office who was sworn in while the election itself was still in question by far too large a number of citizens.
Even if Joe Biden actually did magically pull of a win by sheer chance, which is extremely unlikely by any real data, circumstance, or statistical analysis... the PROCESS that placed him was grossly neglected and rules were made up as polling locations went during the election.
I know we are all hoping, praying, and waiting for some sort of military intervention like what we’ve just seen overseas. I agree that would be wonderful. But people need to be reminded that media and the courts are generally repeating the line “there was no election fraud”. This is foundation ally wrong, and A) there was indeed plenty of election fraud at small and large levels, that are backed with plenty of real evidence from videos, to testimony, to numerical impossibilities, and B) the argument isn’t even about the fraud that did happen. It’s about the process, which was notably unconstitutional and differed from region to region. This ultimately nullifies the election entirely according to our Constitution, and the courts all turned a blind eye to it.
THIS is why we want our guns. I don’t own one personally, but I fully support anyone who wants to protect themselves, their families, and their property against the coup that ACTUALLY took place, and our illegitimate government.
I don’t need the news to tell me it was all on the up and up. I need transparency that we are all permitted by our founding documents and federalist papers.
There are zero excuses or explanations for how the election was handled. Every rule was bent and broken to aid in removing our legitimate president.
I’m sure half of us here would support a full military uprising against the false government. But there really is a major constitutional failure as plain as day, and anyone trying to speak up about it gets cancelled.
We did a great job putting pressure on local government to do the right thing. Had some small successes, and proved that we as a community can make some difference.
But I’m realizing now that we could be using that same type effort to contact other international governments to urge them to recognize Trump as the rightful president, and to consider and treat the Biden/Harris administration as the corrupt power grabbing imposters they are.
If we can do it with Venezuela, why can’t they and others do the same? If we know that Italy, and Israel both agree and supposedly have evidence that our election was stolen, why not put out moves on them to make a case that they publically denounce Biden and officially recognize Trump as the true President of the US?
You’re right in my opinion regarding the military.... although Q does say that “the military is the only way “ ....
I tend to see those posts as misinformation to the enemy to keep them using “ up ammunition “ & that it is a reference to the method of prosecution or more specifically the use of evidence provided by the military for court proceedings...
People seem convinced that Q meant to ‘actually’ use the military.... but right now with the new administration and new CIC I struggle to see how that can be done within the constitution....
I also don’t hold with the opinions regarding Joe being some sort of ‘shadow’ or ‘President in name only’ as very hard to justify and that most of the reasoning people are using to push that is by the way certain protocols are not being followed... for me that in no way justifies such opinions or rather speculation.... indeed I would not be surprised if it’s really the shills pushing that to guys out there who are in turn pushing the same speculation as probable....
I generally see that it’s the same guys pushing that opinion that also pushed the January 6th as some sort of DS Armageddon.... or who are now pushing other dates and unsubstantiated opinions on what Q did and didn’t post....
For me, when you fail to look at the context of any Q post relative to the board and the context of what was happening in terms of ‘news events’ especially with the narrative that the democrats and MSM were pushing at that time.... then you are never going to be able to draw any possibly accurate opinion let alone be able to speculate.....
You can’t just read the Q drops retrospectively without any context.... guys here seem to do nothing but that or they take up a similar opinion as others because of certain Q posts here and there...!
No one... no matter how far back you go can accurately forecast anything from a Q post if that post is being read from any of the Q sites.... the Q sites that only list the Q posts themselves.... people need to understand that they will be wasting their time and efforts in just doing that...!
It’s just a shame that some people don’t take the time to consider Q posts in any sort of context....!
Thanks for that well put together response. I agree with you regarding people trying too hard to make sense of Q drops. I’ve been following and while I can see astounding coincidences, I am not autist level and don’t try to be.
Everything you said makes good sense in my opinion.
I just hope something, anything, happens to change the course of this mess. Q was spot on in fine detail about a lot. So while many try to pinpoint some of the more vague posts, which can easily fit other occurrences.. I still want to believe something is brewing. Because anything will be better than if we need to defend ourselves from tyranny at the citizenry level.
Swamp in Israel is worse then the US and is one of the reasons why Israel will be last.