Conspiracy theorists like flat-earthers, hollow-earthers and tall-grey believers are paid to believe and push their ideas to discredit ALL Conspiracy theories to include ones that are actually true.
In 1990 you probably would be called one if you said you believed Epstein was a pedo
i was trolling video game chat rooms YEARS ago talking about how "flat earth" is a psyop intended to make those who research real conspiracy theories look batshit crazy
i always found it ASTOUNDING the amount of vitriol i'd see flat earthers get on reddit (rip).... yet i never ever actually witnessed a legit flat earther anywhere... ever. the amount of legit flat earthers has never warranted the amount of coverage they got so i had always assumed it was a psyop. glad to see other people feel the same way.
I think most flat Earthers know they sound crazy, but they believe it because it's literally written in the Bible. Part of it is that they can't confirm for themselves and the same media and government that lies to us about a whole slough of things is potentially lying to us about the war for our souls on this holy manufactured plane.
Not saying I believe it, but I understand why they do. None of us could ever know unless we saw for ourselves. Same with all conspiracy theories really.
Same here. I'll hold my judgement until more info comes out. I remember when you were crazy if you thought Rome was protecting some priests who molested children.....until.