Kyle Rittenhouse is apparently on the run
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I seriously doubt he's "on the run" Probably hiding from death threats...
Read until the bottom of the article. It says that he and his family have been receiving death threats, so they objected to publishing his address unless it was kept private and the government refused. Bastards.
Setting the narrative that he's on the run so that the FBI can go and assassinate him like they did Bill Cooper just to name one.
I'm sure the judge has an address... (in minecraft)
One of the people suffering because of the delay! ?
Prosecutor's should have contacted opposing counsel, not the defendant (Rittenhouse) directly.
And title of thread is misleading.
His team has him under hiding, They submitted a address change but only would give the prosecutors the address if they would keep it hidden from the public. This request got declined.
He requested some kinda Safe Act and refuses to make address public. lol
I thought Trump Pardoned him.