The logic isn't sound tho. Why would your typical too lazy to earn a living blm type think it's a good idea to subject themselves to the military? I know they're not all country boy rednecks but after seeing what kinds of people fill out the blm crowds over last summer I would be very surprised if these guesstimates hold up.
Met a guy that worked at Ft Knox while at a Trump rally in 2019. He told me I would be surprised how many soldiers there bad mouthed Trump. He said they were mostly black soldiers. Had a few friends that were in the army back in 80’s and they told me that a majority of the army was blacks. I was in USN there were whites, blacks, hispanic and seems like a lot of phillipinos back then. There wear some pure thugs if all races in even back then. So who knows ? Maybe blm has infiltrated the military.
I figure that will really make for a small military. I could be wrong don’t know much about today’s military may be a lot more liberals serving now.
The people joining the military these days (lower ranks) are much more liberal than people think. Lots of SJWer and BLM types in there.
I can believe it. I’d guess BLM is a big majority in the army now.
The logic isn't sound tho. Why would your typical too lazy to earn a living blm type think it's a good idea to subject themselves to the military? I know they're not all country boy rednecks but after seeing what kinds of people fill out the blm crowds over last summer I would be very surprised if these guesstimates hold up.
Met a guy that worked at Ft Knox while at a Trump rally in 2019. He told me I would be surprised how many soldiers there bad mouthed Trump. He said they were mostly black soldiers. Had a few friends that were in the army back in 80’s and they told me that a majority of the army was blacks. I was in USN there were whites, blacks, hispanic and seems like a lot of phillipinos back then. There wear some pure thugs if all races in even back then. So who knows ? Maybe blm has infiltrated the military.