posted ago by Rooks ago by Rooks +12 / -0

When I want to reach out to someone, I have not one or two, but three options, other than controlled media!

  1. Text them.

  2. Call them.

  3. Visit them IRL.

Now I know what your thinking. Your thinking, "Rooks, that can't work! Its not realistic! How is it possible to do these magical, unrealisticly easy things to reach out???" "What about my followers?"

Last one is easy. If you dont have their contact info yet, they probably arent that important to your life.

Reality: sorry to tell you, but you aren't that important. If you aren't there to follow, they will follow someone else. Social media is a proven sespit of despair and control.

Focus on those important in your life. Keep up with, or make a relationship with God. He loves you and ultimately, it is the most important relationship you will ever have.

These relationships will last, and have meaning.

Keep the faith, and hold on. It won't be anything like you expect, but it will turn out for the better.