They are such pussies. A main reason why ive always despised them even before Trump. To make it worse, they acknowledge they are indeed pussies, call themselves pussies unironically, and actually think this cowardice makes them morally superior. Complete garbage ppl.
Just think, around 30-40% of our fighting age men are now straight up pussies. Could this be by design? Toxic masculinity anyone? Almost all western cultures are losing their defense to this woke movement. We're all ripe for the picking.
It is totally by design. Bad food, dwindling physical activity, toxins in water (even birth control), cleaning products, plastics etc., divide between the sexes, virtue signaling from women (feminism) and the false idea that they don't want masculine traits but then loathe weak men in their hearts and actions, destruction of the family, morals collapsing--can't build a stable, healthy lifestyle and environment for children which adds increasing burdens and makes life become exponentially more difficult over time, enter credit card debt, bad health, medical issues from stress, smoking, drinking. No energy or smarts to guide children, quickly results in a toxic family environment creating a growing societal ripple effect. Then you have various mental conditioning that comes from media, movies, tv, video games and porn--all things that people try to use to enjoy life and it solidifies toxic culture.
They are such pussies. A main reason why ive always despised them even before Trump. To make it worse, they acknowledge they are indeed pussies, call themselves pussies unironically, and actually think this cowardice makes them morally superior. Complete garbage ppl.
Just think, around 30-40% of our fighting age men are now straight up pussies. Could this be by design? Toxic masculinity anyone? Almost all western cultures are losing their defense to this woke movement. We're all ripe for the picking.
It is totally by design. Bad food, dwindling physical activity, toxins in water (even birth control), cleaning products, plastics etc., divide between the sexes, virtue signaling from women (feminism) and the false idea that they don't want masculine traits but then loathe weak men in their hearts and actions, destruction of the family, morals collapsing--can't build a stable, healthy lifestyle and environment for children which adds increasing burdens and makes life become exponentially more difficult over time, enter credit card debt, bad health, medical issues from stress, smoking, drinking. No energy or smarts to guide children, quickly results in a toxic family environment creating a growing societal ripple effect. Then you have various mental conditioning that comes from media, movies, tv, video games and porn--all things that people try to use to enjoy life and it solidifies toxic culture.
soy in the food supply...