posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1 +7 / -0

Try to watch yourself as you go about whatever you are doing in the day.

It's a very unused technique called "self observation"

You will see your thoughts and emotions going on and you can detach from it a lot and you will see all this psyche and noise is not your real conscious self - just machinations.

Then you will see that you feel much more awake and kind of clear - almost child like.

Then what happens is after a while you will nod off into a kinda day dream - the usual state and later on some hour or so later you will "wake up" again and come back to yourself and realize you just spent the last X hours going through the motions, but completely un self aware - like sleep walking the day past.

Then you will have a conscious experience of just how asleep you are most of the time - and then you will really want to wake up and live consciously.

The real fight to wake up - is not election fraud, or NWO Govt - it's actually within your own internal conscious state.

When you engage it nothing can bother you and you can deal with anything, and when you are day dreaming away in mechanical life you are like a leaf on the wind.

Try it !