Can anybody find the Sandy Creek Hoax documentary from Wolfgang Habib? I watched it years ago & the evidence was pretty overwhelming. With the current attacks on Majorie Taylor Green, I thought it would be a good resource to have on hand. Thanks, Pedes!
UPDATE: Video found
Wolfgang was the principal at my brothers high school in Orlando back in the 80s. SANDY HOOK was 100% fake. SAndy hook is what red pilled my dad a few years ago.
Ok I stand corrected. Didn’t work out for my experience. Some people are incapable of believing that it is possible for something like that to happen.
Have you seen the documentary?
I just tried to research Wolfgang Halbig and found a website with the man’s OWN name and pages and pages of smear campaign to “destroy” his credibility. What the HELL?? Who cares enough about someone to do that...for no reason? Wolf just asked questions? I’m pretty pissed right now. I hope Wolf is ok. What an American hero.