posted ago by notkizzalvin ago by notkizzalvin +4 / -0

I wanted to listen to my local police scanner like my neighbor but without spending money.

Anyway, this darling comes across my path : the kicker, I found this at the end of my journey already knowing that didn't have my local SO. Bummer! What else did I find? IPN? they offer a service to send all emergency info through text or a pager. I am gonna dig through the couch to give this a spin for a month. Opting for the pager so they don't have my number and if I like it it is a cheaper alternative. They are owned by imedia and it's sketch. MOAR!!!! Finding that broadcasify didn't have my jam I had to find the frequency, ya dig? That was relatively easy, got the computer overlords over at google to do the leg work and they spit out , is fren. So I find my frequency but I cannot for the life of me find a way to play it online without equipment. I can get scanners from like anywhere but my town. What gives? The frequency exists and is active, absolutely no one has it as far as the apps are concerned. The article in the link at top is obviously garbage advice if it isn't plain as day to see. Any advice would be loved as well as any similar stories. I am gonna try that service mentioned above. It's like $30 a month and see what that gives. Will update. Tl;Dr My raging erection for news requires constant up to date information. My fetish this week is local police scanners and I seek to add it to my growing collection of sources. I lust after knowledge entering me every way possible. Plz help me fulfill my depravity!