85 Dem's gots a prob' for Peach Mint 2.0 The problem for the Democrats going into the trial is one of evidence. The evidence against Trump isn’t just slim, it’s non-existent. The FBI has admitted that what happened at the Capitol was planned long before January 6. The planning did not involve Trump. (www.americanthinker.com) posted 4 years ago by justice_will_prevail 4 years ago by justice_will_prevail +85 / -0 6 comments share 6 comments share save hide report block hide replies
They don't need evidence - this is not a legitimate trial but an attempt at a mob lynching. Emotion, not evidence, the ends justifies the means
If it goes like I hope, they got waaaaay bigger problems than that.
Well, to be fair, the FBI does have that photoshopped picture that they put in their report, with the large naked black gentlemen in the background. So that's got to count for something.
DEMs were undoubtedly part of the planning phase of the Insurrection!