We need to copy what 4Chan did with the OK hand gesture.
A Q believer should volunteer to be interviewed, and provide nothing but disinformation. The disinformation should be so bad that it discredits the media. Or it's so bad that lefties and normies will wake up and permanently distrust the media. EG: tell the media that we orchestrated the Gamestop campaign.
MSM's big weakness is that they'll believe every negative thing you'll tell them about conservatives. So it's bound to work.
you might be one to something here
Or even two to something?
Except the fact that while anons not orchestred this Gamestop campign might be in part orchestred by Q or some people of the team really. After all it discredited a bit companies where Psaki and other people of Bidet administration probably are shareholder just like George Bush Jr was shareholder of Enron (what caused Iraq war being really decoy to hide this truth)
Definitely sharing those truth would wakeup some people,but I doubt the media would ever accept allowing to release those truths above because of fighting "Qanon"
Lol “Bidet” administration ?
This would be a great idea, except that they're only going to show their own people. Anyone appearing on cnn is basically guaranteed to be a crisis actor, have their own IMDB page, etc. Maybe, send in confessions and insider info of ex cult members?
https://www.cnn.com/help/i-report.html <-- not sure if this is current, looks like it was made in the 90's, and mentions phones from 2005
Start making the sign language q a thing, maybe?