I would bet that a significant enough of a portion of people would be absolutely horrified. Not as many people know about these things as you think and they've just assumed whatever they hear on the news is the truth. You don't hear about these things on the news. You have to dig for this information. If the military started rounding up all these people and arresting them, I'm sure they'd think our country just took a terrifying turn. Not to mention the media would be complicit in covering up the crimes these people have committed, as they have been doing for years. That's precisely why, if the military is planning arrests, it's going to take a while.
We have no experience with this. We have no idea what goes into arrests of this magnitude. It seems sooo easy from where we’re sitting, but the reality is that this is the military, and military operations are not a result of knee-jerk reactions like we’re begging for. They will be planning this out in detail, they’ll make counter plans, and counter counter plans. The last thing the military wants is for regular citizens to get in the way of their operations.
If they go out and arrest a small handful of elite politicians tomorrow (Biden, Obama, Clinton) with no regard for the public (with more arrests planned after that), it will be all over every news station/social media, neither of which are going to be reporting fairly. These outlets have been jerking off all of these establishment politicians we want arrested for YEARS, so much so that the average joe has no idea what horrors these people have done. The media starts a smear campaign, calling this a “military coup” and a “military takeover arresting our innocent politicians, trump is hitler confirmed”, “they’re going to arrest us all for wrong think, we’ll be in camps!” And now a good portion of the population is terrified. They start doxxing the people carrying out/in charge of these arrests. The people begin rioting as they’re of the belief they’re about to be taken over by the third reich reincarnate thanks to the liberal media. They start showing up at the houses of out military, threatening them and their families, maybe even actually harming some. They desperately try to find out future operations so they can sabotage them. Some guys may back out the heat has risen to a temperature they cannot tolerate. If you’d have just chilled the fuck out, taken a deep breath, and acknowledged that, yes, we should not coddle liberals, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have taken some time to plan these arrests accordingly to avoid as much public uprising as possible, it could have ran a lot smoother.
Yes, fuck liberals, but sometimes you have to consider the potential outcomes and how that may hinder what YOU are trying to do. Sometimes it’s better to take the path of least resistance.
I would bet that a significant enough of a portion of people would be absolutely horrified. Not as many people know about these things as you think and they've just assumed whatever they hear on the news is the truth. You don't hear about these things on the news. You have to dig for this information. If the military started rounding up all these people and arresting them, I'm sure they'd think our country just took a terrifying turn. Not to mention the media would be complicit in covering up the crimes these people have committed, as they have been doing for years. That's precisely why, if the military is planning arrests, it's going to take a while.
It’s not really “catering”.
We have no experience with this. We have no idea what goes into arrests of this magnitude. It seems sooo easy from where we’re sitting, but the reality is that this is the military, and military operations are not a result of knee-jerk reactions like we’re begging for. They will be planning this out in detail, they’ll make counter plans, and counter counter plans. The last thing the military wants is for regular citizens to get in the way of their operations. If they go out and arrest a small handful of elite politicians tomorrow (Biden, Obama, Clinton) with no regard for the public (with more arrests planned after that), it will be all over every news station/social media, neither of which are going to be reporting fairly. These outlets have been jerking off all of these establishment politicians we want arrested for YEARS, so much so that the average joe has no idea what horrors these people have done. The media starts a smear campaign, calling this a “military coup” and a “military takeover arresting our innocent politicians, trump is hitler confirmed”, “they’re going to arrest us all for wrong think, we’ll be in camps!” And now a good portion of the population is terrified. They start doxxing the people carrying out/in charge of these arrests. The people begin rioting as they’re of the belief they’re about to be taken over by the third reich reincarnate thanks to the liberal media. They start showing up at the houses of out military, threatening them and their families, maybe even actually harming some. They desperately try to find out future operations so they can sabotage them. Some guys may back out the heat has risen to a temperature they cannot tolerate. If you’d have just chilled the fuck out, taken a deep breath, and acknowledged that, yes, we should not coddle liberals, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have taken some time to plan these arrests accordingly to avoid as much public uprising as possible, it could have ran a lot smoother.
Yes, fuck liberals, but sometimes you have to consider the potential outcomes and how that may hinder what YOU are trying to do. Sometimes it’s better to take the path of least resistance.