I challenge someone to find me a positive post that uses the n word anything will work. It's the only word like that. That's y they banned it
Edit* plz dont message with the same response as the first 50 not one person has given what I ask yet so many responses. I answered the same question 20 times I'm not gonna do it read the comments. Love u all GOD WINS
I will answer your question. Your post uses the "n" word. You're arguing for banning the use of the word. By your own definition this post is a "positive post". If the word was banned/censored you would not have been able to make this post.
And before you say "but saying 'n' is not the same thing". It is conceptually exactly the same as spelling it out in full. Otherwise nobody here would know WTF you were talking about.
Hey let me just say while ur argument is in no way right but it does have truth to it. I fell u gave the best argument