Yeah, that would most certainly be nice. If it would just begin to happen already. I mean I know, I see all the clues, and I keep up, and I digital soldier on, and spread the stuff far and wide as I can... but dang, it's just like.. are we tired enough yet?? Do we give a crap enough yet?? Are we actually going to do anything??? I'm just being impatient I know. But hell is like breaking loose more and more, and I'm pretty dern tired of it.
Let's restore our Repiblic first
Yeah, that would most certainly be nice. If it would just begin to happen already. I mean I know, I see all the clues, and I keep up, and I digital soldier on, and spread the stuff far and wide as I can... but dang, it's just like.. are we tired enough yet?? Do we give a crap enough yet?? Are we actually going to do anything??? I'm just being impatient I know. But hell is like breaking loose more and more, and I'm pretty dern tired of it.