I peak in here every now and then and quickly become lost with some random pointing to numbers.
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I can help you! As someone fairly new to Q myself, here are the videos I find most helpful to start you on this crazy journey lol:
Start here: The Plan to Save the World
Next watch the Ultimate Q Proofs
And finally watch The Fall of the Cabal (prepare yourself to learn some really hard truths. You may feel a bit like you've been living in the matrix after you watch it)
When you're finished, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. These 3 videos took me from a skeptic to fully believing Trump is absolutely working with Q (especially the 2nd video). Good luck my friend!
I’m like you. I’m not the smartest but I’m willing to fight and die for truth and a better life for my baby!
It sure is a learning experience my first is only 5 weeks old. Amazing how fast my outlook on life changed.