Well this is curious - A 911 Type Trade - Does someone know something ?
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That ZeroHedge article might as well have been written in ancient Sanskrit as far as I could understand it. Still not sure what it's about, but I no longer dabble in stocks.
Agreed! I read it now can someone translate?
I'm also N O T sure about the Q-Musk relation. I just searched "Musk" and found only two drops MUSK and in one of the drops Q reminds us that not all drops are for us (Anons.)
Lastly, I said before I'm torn on Elon. Still not sure if he's a white hat or not.
someone bought loads of puts on Tesla in fact they bought nearly 250000 puts - which is 100 shares per put, so it's 25M shares short basically - but they bought them miles out of the market - at $20 - when TSLA is trading at over $800 right now... it's a nutso trade... and it's cost money to do this.... at least 1c a share of something.... it's not small money....
before 9/11 there were very strange trades on United and Delta made with options...
options are like insurance against the stock price falling
why do you need a huge amount of insurance on TSLA trading under $20, when it's at over $800 ?
basically someone is betting on TSLA going to zero and if it does they would bank 25M x $20.... it's a $500M trade if TSLA collapses to zero.
very strange activity.
Thank you very much for that explanation. Obviously, not a Fina/InvestFag so a lot of these terms are way over my head.
So question -- what would cause Tesla to go to ZERO? Elon Musk being arrested as part of the swamp, perhaps? Is this the implication? That something is going down with Elon?