Hi frens. I know this is a handshake account but I am not new here. Many times in the past I have wanted to comment and post, but I choose to spread knowledge to those in my personal life and don’t socialize online. Thank you all for the research you do, and for so quickly and efficiently separating gems from useless stones. This truly is the best online community I’ve found. I made this account because I’ve been called by my Creator to bring up a difficult subject that I’ve not seen many people discuss at length. I am certainly not here to doom, and hope that you will reserve any judgement until the end. I hope to invoke thought that maybe impacts at least one person. I’m sorry this is so long.
I’d like to discuss the gravity of our coming situation. Whether you’re someone with a deep conviction for Q or a lurker that’s not fully convinced, I believe it’s obvious that with or without intervention, this tangled web of DS lies we’re caught in is falling apart faster than Joe’s nose. We’ve been planning and preparing for a very long time now and are ready to see some action. We’re fully aware of timelines and the importance of not rushing but also feel a sense of urgency. I see many posts about people saying it’s time, screw the normies, let’s get on with it. I can’t help but feel the same sometimes. We talk about no I-told-you-so’s even though it would feel great.
Suicide weekend. We think about this in relation to the spiders that build and maintain the web. I’m worried about how the fallout of that and the ultimate Great Awakening will affect those around us. Those that we love that don’t understand what’s happening when the bubble finally bursts and just can’t cope, and even some of our own who aren’t as strong as they thought they were. What happens if a true suicide weekend occurs and it’s so extensive that even the MSM can’t hide it? What if it doesn’t, but an overwhelming amount of information is revealed at once? What if everyone was woken up at once and they realize that everything they’ve ever known, everything they’ve ever believed in and stood for was not only wrong, but wrong on such a deep level that they unknowingly perpetuated harm and suffering? Even though we all have people who are annoyingly asleep, maybe even some who are so far left they’re already living in China, most of them are good people, they just don’t know any better. Whether that be because they choose ignorance or because they’re actually blind doesn’t really matter. Will they be able to live with themselves after they see the truth? Some people would rather die than take the red pill. It’s indescribably painful to wake up. We’ve all been there. I don’t doubt that some people will continue to wear blinders but I believe those people will be the exception, not the rule.
As we all know, we are expected to be there to support those who need us when we are called upon. How are you going to do that? I’ll give you a moment to answer... Nice plan! So how are you going to do that in reality?
My first concern is you. You have to be strong. Stronger than you think. We can’t have come all this way for you to realize at the eleventh hour that you know less than you imagined and struggle to come to grips with reality. During that time, your weaker family members and friends are stuck in a sinking ship and have no idea what to do. They need your head above water, soldier. I can’t tell you what to do or how to do it, but you need to figure that out. Now. But I can make suggestions. You need a plan. When you’re called to duty, absorb but do not dwell in the onslaught of new declass information. You already know everything you need to know. You’ve been training. Stick to your plan.
“I just want to stop the world from killing itself.”
Identify who you need to check in with to let them know that you’re ok. You don’t need to chat for hours. You have work to do.
Maybe these end up being the same person/people, but identify who will need your strength most. Who do you love that is at risk of serious mental and/or physical collapse? Will they be accessible to you? Where could you be when it’s habbened? Where could they be? Can you leave work? Are they able to get to you or do you need to go to them? What about your family at home? How will you compensate for unexpected circumstances if it happens the one night you decide to leave town for an overnight trip? And the ultimate question: what are you going to say that will actually mean something to them?
Identify who you else you need to check on or “circle back” with after that.
And then keep circling back on people. No man left behind or alone. WWG1WGA.
Keep yourself busy, soldier. Stick to the plan. Don’t allow yourself to be idle and go down with that ship. Put your oxygen mask on first so you can save your people.
Maybe I’m wrong and they really have all of this on lock and there’s no risk of unintentional loss of life. We were told our families are safe. I trust that in the broader physical sense, but people’s brains are already breaking and they haven’t seen anything yet. I hope I’m wrong. I pray I’m wrong. I hope you think I’m wrong, too and make a plan anyway.
God loves you, and he brought us all here for a reason.
Godspeed, Patriots.
Watch, stand fast in the belief, be men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. Corinthians 16:13-14
I think this should get a sticky. I can't speak for everyone here, but going through this awakening has been a roller coaster ride. Some days I've been fueled up on hopium and know things are going to happen, then other days I've been lower than low and had some pretty dark thoughts. I think this post speaks to people who need reassurance to remember to be self-aware and strong. The days ahead might be pretty insane. We know what these people (ds) are capable of, but we haven't seen the full spectrum of what they could try to do. They may try to pull some fast-ones before their world crumbles. I agree we need to help the sleepers when the time comes. Many of them are good people who are manipulated and brainwashed and have been their entire lives. It is not easy to accept that there are soooo many people who want to hurt children. Before I was awake I had no idea that pedophilia was such a huge problem. I was very naive, as many are. Mostly because we never heard about it from the MSM!!!!! We need to help guide people to truth. Some people are just too far gone. But that'll be their choice when the truth comes out.
OP gives too much credit to libtards. To be a liberal, you have to be stupid and immoral. The ones who do wake up will continue using their skills of deflection, blame, projection, etc. These normie libtard sheep will never feel such a level of remorse and guilt so as to kill themselves. It will mainly be the elite who want to avoid justice/consequences, and maybe even some who simply lost their massive wealth (their pathetic self-perceived purpose). There’s infinite excuses the normies can give for supporting this evil though. How many Q supporters, who actually already had morals and a conscience, killed themselves after they realized all this truth and how they voted for vile scum like the Bushes, McCain, Romney, Cruz, supported the Patriot Act, supported the Thin Blue Line, supported all these unjust wars for the Deep State’s globalist agenda, etc? I’d say none. The libtards will make excuses and cope far better than you did.