Five cases on election fraud are being brought on Friday, Feb 19th, for consideration. They are not accepted and already were rejected for fast tracking.
If they're "considered," it's likely they won't even hear the case until fall.
I get that DC is weird, Biden's getting deep faked, AF1 looking like it's 1984, George News popping off, Trump's haven't gone back to work, Mike Lindell, Scavino and more always at Mar-a-lago,slam dunk defense on impeachment and more... but where TF is the plan to save our nation? If the fraud isn't corrected, as Trump said, we don't have a country anymore.
I agree.... there are plenty of reasons to have faith, but is the next step supposed to be waiting for the fall? Meanwhile, everyone is walking around with masks on, people are dying from vaccines, illegal immigration increasing even more, violent illegals being let loose, 2nd amendment legislation already started. How long before right wing extremists start blowing shit up? I have faith in the "plan" as well, but I really hope that they have more "concrete" actions planned, and I really hope it isn't supposed to be another 6 months or more before it really even gets going.
I believe there is a plan but I'm not sure I agree with it.
Eventually, there's going to be nothing left to save. And yes yes I know the Q posts about being patient and it doesn't happen on our timeline, but for fuck sakes, many of us are having our lives wrecked in the process. I've recently become the subject of a political witch hunt at work, citing multiple HR complaints from fellow employees:
I started working from home two weeks before it was mandated. I was called a conspiracy theorists and racist against Chinese people.
Calling in with a Webcam, I was reported by a Chinese lady for having a white nationalist symbol on my wall. That symbol? I have an American flag canvas behind my chair at my home office...
I've also declined their flu shots every year and they recorded that I requested a single dose flu shot (what they give pregnant women) and was rejected... so they have me down as an anti vaxxer.
So now, they are "cleansing the organization of right wing extremism" and I am the target. I'm probably going to lose over a hundred thousand in income this year due to limited impact. I'm finding myself moonlighting nights working 80 hour weeks so I can have a future.
If "Q comes through" in 3 years, I will not being saying thank you, I will be saying fuck you. It's too late.
Exaaaactly... that’s actually a better way to say it, believing there is a plan vs necessarily agreeing with it. I understand the need to minimize the possibility of civil unrest and all that, but I’m starting to give less and less of a fuck about normies’ feelings. Drop the truth, drain the swamp, everyone will adapt and get over it. Sorry about your work situation... I am very concerned that I will have the exact same fight coming in the very near future, and I’m sure that many across the country are in your same situation. If the “plan” involves fucking with the country and letting more and more irreparable damage be done, I’m not exactly sure I agree with it either. Obviously I would rather have freedom above all else, and if the plan really does take out every single corrupt POS in the system and prevent the globalist/communist takeover, then it’s worth it. I’d rather be homeless and free then wealthy and enslaved. But I’m sick of being lied to. I expect it from the deep state swamp. I’m just feeling less and less like it NEEDS to be this way.
It's okay to say "Trust the plan" and "It's a fucked plan." I've been saying "It's a fucked plan" for many months now. Back in the summer I called it: if mail in voting is allowed, Biden wins; if there is no mail in voting, Trump wins in a landslide. I'm proven right, and I'm sad to say that. I don't know what else needs to happen for this "plan" to take effect. But people are literally dying out here. I suppose the analogy might be the forces storming the beaches on D-Day. Those guys knew up to half of them simply wouldn't walk away from that. But they had to do it. That was the plan. (Not getting involved in any discussion about "Hitler did nothing wrong," either; or that all wars are bankers wars; or that Churchill turned down Germany's peace offers; or that Judea declared war on Germany years before WW2 "started.")