When this is all done and we are rid of the DS/Cabal, the children back home receiving the care they need and the United States of America 2.0 is full steam ahead. I want one last thing.
I want a YUGE monument dedicated to the fine men and women who developed and executed this plan. Two places come to mind on where to locate such an amazing monument. Because our nation needs the heartland more than most normies ever imagined, I would like to place it there. The exact CENTER of the Continental USA (Kansas) or exact CENTER of the ENTIRE USA (South Dakota). Or build one in every state ?.
It needs to have statutes the size of the ones on Easter Island arranged in the shape of a ….. You guessed it “Q”. In the center I want a monument (with eternal flame) that is taller than the Easter Island size statues and it needs to be 100 % based on the children that were lost. Maybe make it a wishing well type and allow people to say a prayer of protection for the innocent.
This is how you finalize the unite; this is how you become One Nation Under God again.
Note: this was my lunch time brain rambling session.
I like it Patriot.....especially your first sentence "when this is all done and we are rid of the DS/Cabal."
thanks for taking the time and reading the first sentence. some tend to miss it.
We are far from that. Besides we are anonymous. A statue of the brave military saving the world and the victims who died and suffered such horrors is something to be memorialized.
We have many monuments for military/victims, why would this be any different? A monument is a type of memorial. A statue is a type of monument. Memorials also have statues.....
Anons are anonymous and don’t seek recognition. The geniuses who have done the heavy lifting and spent countless hours/months/years are trule geniuses and never ask for recognition. It goes against the principles of the movement. Just saying for a friend.