Ron Watkins, yes. He has elongated his name to Ronnie, which is also feminine. He gave his coming out article in one of the major Trans bimonthlies - I think it was either Frock or Transvestia, I can’t remember which. He actually looks quite a natural MTF. Quite soft features and feminine appearance. It is very off to hear that someone like CodeMonkeyZ has gone that route but, hey. Who am I to judge.
More and more I feel like CodeMonkey has a hand in George. He did say he was working on a big project.....
Ron had recently come out as trans
Ron Watkins, yes. He has elongated his name to Ronnie, which is also feminine. He gave his coming out article in one of the major Trans bimonthlies - I think it was either Frock or Transvestia, I can’t remember which. He actually looks quite a natural MTF. Quite soft features and feminine appearance. It is very off to hear that someone like CodeMonkeyZ has gone that route but, hey. Who am I to judge.
Only commenting so hopefully someone posts a source. That would be insane if true.