posted ago by GODisinc0ntr0l ago by GODisinc0ntr0l +35 / -0

Obviously Q has a plan to save our country from the DS. I’m wondering if we need a plan, or maybe there already is one, to convince a lost generation that our country is NOT nearly as racist as they’ve been told (or shown by MSM from the “BLM” movement). The generation(s) I’m speaking of are those 30 and under who feel they are “woke” and the rest of us are dumb and insensitive to the pain of the minority population. This got really, really bad the last two summers. My own sweet daughter was shamed by her woke WHITE CHRISTIAN college friends to take down an “All Lives Matter” fb post showing Jesus dying on the cross because she was being “insensitive” and “must not understand”. That same daughter attended a small school in one of the worst cities in IL all of her childhood where SHE was the minority in the classroom and had many friends from all races and backgrounds. She’s has never seen color in a person in her life! I don’t see a lot of minorities acting this way(racist). I believe the BLM was mostly paid actors or high profile football players and a bunch of other liberal minded people who went along with rebellion thinking they were helping the cause. I believe there is a lot more love between races than is being portrayed. It’s a bunch of lies and I don’t know how now or in the future we can wake up this generation to believe this. Thanks for listening. It’s a concern I’ve had for awhile and I’m just wondering if there is hope for our future generations because I feel the brainwashing runs deep.