- 1960's - no more oil in 10 years
- 1970's - another ice age in 10 years
- 1980's - acid rain will destroy all crops in 10 years
- 1990's - The ozone layer will be destroyed in 10 years
- 2000's - Ice floes will be gone in 10 years.
- 2000 - Y2k (millennium) will destroy everything!
- 2001 - Anthrax will kill us all!
- 2002 - West Nile virus will kill us all!
- 2003 - SARS will kill us all!
- 2005 - Bird flu will kill us all!
- 2006 - Ecoli will kill us all!
- 2008 - The financial crash will kill us all!
- 2009 - Swine flu will kill us all!
- 2012 - Mayan calendar will end. We will all die!
- 2013 - North Korea will start the 3rd world war. We will all die!
- 2014 - Ebola will kill us all!
- 2015 - ISIS will kill us all!
- 2016 - Zika will kill us all!
- 2018 - Global warming will kill us all!
- 2019 - CO2 will kill us all!
- 2020 - Corona will kill us all! The truth is that fear will kill us. Turn off the TV and wash your hands! Nothing happened, but everything led to more taxes. Tyranny!
Swine Flu is a favorite for them. They pushed the vaccine until enough people died from it that they stopped giving it. Sound familiar?
Yeah, I'm not going anywhere near a Covid vaccine. Put me on a no-fly list because of it - whatever you have to - but I'm not dyin because they want to do some population control.