Most of you assume this snowpocalypse we're experiencing is naturally occurring. However, I'm going to show you that it's not.
73 Percent of the U.S. Covered in Snow, the Most Widespread Coverage in 17 Years
This coverage is abnormal. For it to cover so much ground in so little time in southern areas that rarely see freezing temperatures is unprecedented.
Remember Biden's remarks about a "Dark Winter"? This isn't rhetoric people use in normal conversation. He obviously had foreknowledge of this catastrophy.
Look at what actions Biden took before the snowpocalypse. He gave China control of our power grid.
That action led to many states without power, especially Texas. Why Texas? It's a red state that opposes Biden and communist policies.
Now you're probably wondering how did Biden even created the snowstorm. He had help from China. The Beijing Weather Modification Office has technology that can create snowstorms from afar like this.
Here's a weather analyst's breakdown of the storm. You can see that its movement is not natural at all. It's as if it is specifically targeting the southern region of the country.
The COMMUNIST CABAL is responsible for this disaster. What they did is a true act of war and they must be punished tenfold for this. If Trump is the man I think he is, he must seek revenge and more against these worthless pieces of shit.
You people who have been affected by this weather weapon attack must also stand up and fight against the communist cabal. Let your voices be heard and let the truth ring free throughout every communication channel.
This is it. Enough is enough. They are finished. Justice is coming.
You could be right but we saw this coming years ago. I am a meteorologist. The solar minimum is real and we are headed towards a mini ice age. Been calling it for years. The weather is cyclical.
You predicting a mini ice age is not equivalent to the movement of polar vortex targeting half of the united states. The weather pattern was abnormal. If you were a good meteorologist you would've recognized the abnormal movement patterns. Saying you're a meteorologist doesn't give you credibility. There are good ones and bad ones.
EDIT: I debunk 420-Trump-2020's false, erroneous claims here:
Uh, yeah it is. This info has been public for years now. The grand solar minimum. This is what you expect and expect more and more like it over the coming years. This may be haarp or natural, but this is our future for the next 20 years.
Nice try. You repeating the buzzword "grand solar minimum" doesn't make you an expert on the subject matter. You haven't connected solar minimum to what's happening in Texas at all. You've just repeated "grand solar minimum" therefore concluded the snowpocalypse is expected. Wrong.
Scientists have not predicted a mini ice age; they've simply predicted something strange happening with the sun. This is the solar minimum. Minimal sunspots and flares is not equivalent to a mini ice age. You have not connected the dots that one causes the other and are making false assumptions.
Many credible scientists claim that the solar minimum will not cause a mini ice age and that this is a myth.
"The warming caused by the greenhouse gas emissions from the human burning of fossil fuels is six times greater than the possible decades-long cooling from a prolonged Grand Solar Minimum," wrote the NASA Global Climate Change team in February.
"Even if a Grand Solar Minimum were to last a century, global temperatures would continue to warm. Because more factors than just variations in the Sun's output change global temperatures on Earth, the most dominant of those today being the warming coming from human-induced greenhouse gas emissions."
Here's the article source:
"We have not predicted a little ice age... We have predicted something going on with the sun."
Here's the video source:
TL;DR: The solar minimum is basically a decrease in sunspots and flares and thus a decrease in solar ultraviolet radiation. This occurrence would not trigger a mini ice age or freezing temperatures in normally warm places. Peer-reviewed research, physics, and math all tell us that a grand solar minimum would have no more than a 0.3°C cooling effect, barely enough to put a dent in human-caused global warming.
The solar minimum creating a mini ice age is a myth created and perpetuated by people who don't know what they're talking about.
You need more research. You're a sheep.