I would love open borders too but unfortunately we do not live in a perfect world and there is danger and evil out there and we have to defend ourselves and our country from that. I think the liberals have this unreal ideology that we should all be this one big happy world and get consolidated under one small power and have no borders so we don't fight each other and that is a devastatingly ignorant mentality to have not to mention very naive. The irony is, what they think is right but we are a fallen creature and need God. We are all corrupted on different levels and if you don't think you are then you are just lying to yourself. That's why I love Trump because he knows he needs God and I feel he seeks him in an earnest way unlike Biden. As long as Biden is in the White House I will remain very concerned and watchful.
Why do we have some of our citizens that want open borders?
I would love open borders too but unfortunately we do not live in a perfect world and there is danger and evil out there and we have to defend ourselves and our country from that. I think the liberals have this unreal ideology that we should all be this one big happy world and get consolidated under one small power and have no borders so we don't fight each other and that is a devastatingly ignorant mentality to have not to mention very naive. The irony is, what they think is right but we are a fallen creature and need God. We are all corrupted on different levels and if you don't think you are then you are just lying to yourself. That's why I love Trump because he knows he needs God and I feel he seeks him in an earnest way unlike Biden. As long as Biden is in the White House I will remain very concerned and watchful.