Do you guys think they will roll out fake ayys?
I've dabbled into the arena of ayy lmao theories since I was a kid.
I go back and fourth on if the flying saucers and stuff are actually ayys or if it''s military hardware or a combination of both.
Also for entertainment purposes only, there's talk right now of the ol' "fake alien invasion plan" Some are saying it will be fake but they will use advanced hardware from the military so we think it's real, some say it will be humans using technology provided by the bad ayys and supported by the bad ayys and some say that the good ayys will get involved and try to help us.
I never have put it past them to use fake aliens to try to get us in control under the nwo. """"""""fOR enTeRtAInmeNt PurpoSEs oNLy"""""""""
Do you guys think they will roll out fake ayys? I've dabbled into the arena of ayy lmao theories since I was a kid. I go back and fourth on if the flying saucers and stuff are actually ayys or if it''s military hardware or a combination of both. Also for entertainment purposes only, there's talk right now of the ol' "fake alien invasion plan" Some are saying it will be fake but they will use advanced hardware from the military so we think it's real, some say it will be humans using technology provided by the bad ayys and supported by the bad ayys and some say that the good ayys will get involved and try to help us. I never have put it past them to use fake aliens to try to get us in control under the nwo. """"""""fOR enTeRtAInmeNt PurpoSEs oNLy"""""""""
Project Bluebeam. Holographs. Or...maybe THAT narrative is the psyop to trick us into NOT believing the aliens are real when they show up?
Ha!! Exactly. At this point I’m not sure WHAT would knock me for a loop. Hopefully I wont find out.
And after all the CGI demos, I no longer trust anything I see in print/vid.
I'm right with you there.
I have no idea what's going on. I just can't take watching the country burn any longer! If benevolent aliens exist, now's the time to intervene.