I know very little about stacking or investing in precious metals. But once in a while I will see someone recommend stocking up on gold or silver. Lin Wood also recommended this so it piqued my interest.
Since I know very little about this stuff, I'm going to do my research before doing anything reckless. But every time I see a question like "should I buy gold or silver?" being asked on reddit or quora or whatever. They always get flooded with the generic "don't buy gold/silver, it's a bad investment blah blah blah".
I always see people telling others to not buy gold or silver but their actions suggest the opposite. If it's so bad, why are there still tons of people out there trading like no problem?
Depends on what type of SHTF you're talking about. In the event of an absolute anarchy due to some nuclear fallout, then yeah I agree with you ammo/food/hard needs are vastly superior. Everything else is worthless.
I was thinking more along the lines of a hyperinflation crisis like 1920s Germany. They didn't go full anarchy and become Somalia. Ammo and food are good short term things to stock up on but not a long term solution. You can't shoot or eat your way out of a financial crisis for your family.
Like I said. I don't know anything about precious metals either so take my opinion with a grain of salt. It's a supply and demand thing really.
With precious metals, you can't go "haha printer machine go brrr" like with paper. So even when your country(Canada) elects a retard who thinks printing a gazillion dollars can solve everything, you're at a much lower risk if you decide to stack gold and silver rather than leaving it in your savings or putting it into retirement plans.
There's a limited supply of gold and silver in circulation but there's also a demand for them. As long as someone out there wants to collect precious metals, you can always go exchange it for some value. You won't always exchange it for the exact price down to the last penny but you can always find someone else who's willing to pay a little more. The only way you would get fucked over for stacking metals is if everyone in society collectively decides to deem gold and silver to be worthless.