It was impossibly bad timing & judgement. I lost some respect for Ted. Having said that, the post is spot on in its point. The left is selectively outraged and has no morals.
He got his kids out of the cold. He had the means to do this when his power went out. In a different thread, a family living in a trailer, did not have the means. One of their kids died. A lot of people are blaming the parents for not doing enough. Doing what with what means? They had none.
But we always find ourselves playing Monday morning QB in both cases. If you were Ted would you have made sure your family got out of a potential life threatening situation, or would you have played the optics game?
True! I must admit though , even my head exploded due to the timing of his trip
It was impossibly bad timing & judgement. I lost some respect for Ted. Having said that, the post is spot on in its point. The left is selectively outraged and has no morals.
He got his kids out of the cold. He had the means to do this when his power went out. In a different thread, a family living in a trailer, did not have the means. One of their kids died. A lot of people are blaming the parents for not doing enough. Doing what with what means? They had none.
But we always find ourselves playing Monday morning QB in both cases. If you were Ted would you have made sure your family got out of a potential life threatening situation, or would you have played the optics game?
Fair point. Perhaps the wife could have taken them. But I don’t expect our leaders to jump ship as soon as SHTF.