There is so much misinformation about both world wars across the board, but I feel like it is important to know exactly where we are in relation to history.
I will be a bit delicate because there is a lot of ways this can go and I know that there is a lot of speculation on who pulls the strings (I think we all know what I mean by this). Keep it non racial related in the comments please as I just want to put some of the cultural facts and how they parallel.
It seems that the degradation of societies isn't something that just happens based on the natural flow of a thriving society, but is a well calculated inside coup that takes at least 2 generations to implement in a strong society. We have seen this happen over and over in strong nationalist countries over the years where communism has attempted a takeover.
A strong thriving nation starts to get a little soft and they want to pursue some pleasure in life. Who is there to sweep in and make sure this happens? Every kind of evil perpetrated by communist instigators. They bring in the most disgusting of human behaviors. A society goes from a strong family unit to completely degraded and chasing every perversion thought of. Arts are corrupted, churches are corrupted, families are split apart, identities are completely lost. Perversion and immorality takes over every aspect of the society including the pinnacle of what we see today, pedophilia and transsexuality. It is all normalized and pushed as the greatest thing. What it does is actually seal the deal for most societies. We can go on and on here about rampant abortions and women's liberation that did nothing but force women into the workforce to double the taxes and serve to indoctrinate children at an earlier age, but these are all signs of the end of a nation before communism.
This very thought out plan is used over and over again. This is exactly what Germany looked like before WW2. People called Trump "Literally Hitler" but in the beginning, Hitler wanted nothing but to restore some type of principle to the country. It obviously evolved from that, but his initial desire was to see the central banks gone and the people out of debt. Unemployment was at record highs and he got it down very low. He abolished the central banks and implemented a interest free German currency that wasn't backed by debt. Cant state this enough that I'm not agreeing with everything that happened, but look at how much all of us are willing to fight to return some normalcy and rule of law to our country.
The center of this is and always will be about the central banks and greed. A strong United States with a non central bank with the size of the military we have is a force that can never fall to communism. Those in power know that and have therefore infected our country with the most disgusting ideals.
That being said, the Great Awakening IS the antidote to this. Understanding our place in the world and our duties as humans is paramount. Understanding that the media is 100% a tool of the globalists and understanding how their propaganda is designed to make us not tell the truth (even to ourselves). Keep going out and be loud and proud. Above all, never lie. Always tell the truth. That is the antidote to all of this. Never let them take your honor.
Right now in the US there is a divide and conquer attitude. Scary stuff. I have noticed it in media talking points for a long time. Haves vs have nots. This drive toward class system is awful. Political elite. Killing the middle class. Only accepted by your neighbors if you put a BLM sign in your yard. The drive toward a bigger Government is the most unAmerican thing I've seen. I am a proud patriot/ American. No I'm not a heartless monster who doesn't care about anyone less fortunate. I just don't want the govt. to control everything about our lives. Charity is voluntary. Taking from us in the form of taxes is not charitable. We are a country built on the traits our Founding Fathers had. Individual responsibility and accountability. Determination. Freedom. Fairness.
You are exactly right. This is what happened in Germany pre WW2 and really during WW1. Right vs Left. Jew vs German. If you didn't want to engage in immoral sexual acts, you were looked down upon. Everything was class warfare. In the beginning of Hitler's first term, things changed drastically and the cabal lost most of their power.
Part of the reason that I said I didn't like how it ended up or didn't agree with how it all played out... Always issues in extremes. What I was pointing out is that Hitler did good in Germany for a time while he rebuilt the country before the rest of the world decided they didn't like what he was doing. Re-established some type of family values/etc.
I think you stated your position quite well and I do agree with you. The deepstate/cabal/democrats definitely have a plan to break down our society and it has worked for them before so why not try it again.
Over and over. It is always nationalist countries too. Countries that have an identity other than multiculturalism is a danger to them.
Look what happened with the Bolshevik Revolution. Communist takeover.
Our difference? We know how this ends, so we're one step ahead of them.
It's not about avoiding central banking, but having one independent from the cabal.
Your entire argument is completely invalid as you spoke to what my intentions are with this. You couldn't possibly know and also took it even farther to suggest that I would (probably) think that the holocaust wasn't real. Nothing in most post history would suggest that, and I was never part of the Voat TGA. Really not sure what that even was.
Never said hitler was the good guy, just said that for a time he was a good guy. In fact:
Our country looks exactly like what russia looked like and what germany looked like and (insert country before communist takeover) looked like.
I also know that the Bush family is on the same side. Nothing is ever as it seems, but it's worth looking at the similarities as to what happened, because the same thing will happen here. Trump isn't a fascist, but that's exactly how we are being treated along with him. That justified massive war that devastated the whole country.
I get it, both sides were financing both sides of the war, but you have absolutely no right to put words in my mouth and talk about what I might be thinking as if it is fact. You present a weak argument because you led with that.