There is no Constitutional requirement for a State of the Union address at any specific time or on any specific schedule, or for there to be anything but a report "from time to time." Many times it has been in writing rather than as a speech.
While a President can give a speech in front of Congress as the "State of the Union Address," typically or maybe always it's not called a State of the Union when it's only a few weeks after inauguration.
So nothing all that unusual here if he does not give one.
Xiden probably will not give an address, as my guess.
There is no Constitutional requirement for a State of the Union address at any specific time or on any specific schedule, or for there to be anything but a report "from time to time." Many times it has been in writing rather than as a speech.
While a President can give a speech in front of Congress as the "State of the Union Address," typically or maybe always it's not called a State of the Union when it's only a few weeks after inauguration.
So nothing all that unusual here if he does not give one.
Xiden probably will not give an address, as my guess.
He should be embarrassed by what he has undone so far..