there are several ways that I'm aware of besides the old FU
religious exemption - most if not all states allow this, even my hard core leftist commonwealth. this combined with the fact that the vaccines I believe contain fetal tissue (there are some downplaying this claiming that they actually use "fetal cell lines" meaning the cells have been multiplied using original fetal cells) can be added to religious/moral claim.
allergies to POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL - which as I understand is present in the vaccines and is also present in things like Miralax and antifreeze. say you realized your severe allergic reaction to it when you used Miralax and look up the symptoms it causes so you are educated if asked.
Nuremberg Code - this should be an absolute lock. there are many reasons the Nuremberg Code is applicable but one of the most glaring is #3 which requires the vaccines have been properly tested on animals, which the vaccines have not. if your employer or others still demand you get the jab you should have a strong lawsuit and you should pursue it.
- EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) vaccines can't be mandated - as with anything you can probably find an alternative opinion, but this linked story and the logic leads me to believe that it can't be mandated. you may need to do more homework on this claim.
good luck
They come at me with a covid injection I return the favor with a lead injection. Do you need an exemption for someone trying to murder you?
This is likely what we're going to have to do if it gets bad enough.