Ryan finds a TV in another room and watches Nemerov give a conventional hardline speech justifying Russia's actions. After the speech, however, Nemerov boards an elevator in the Kremlin and angrily queries a senior advisor about the source of the chemical attack. He learns that hardline generals in the military acted on their own.
Comments (6)
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The book is better. Tom Clancy’s books are incredible. We’re basically living in Rainbow Six currently.
YES! THIS! It does not make sense. I am using the whole thing to try and wake normies because it would be a missed opportunity otherwise. War = Bad. I am fully expecting a big time threat from Iran. This will cause panic and wake people up. Talk about a red pill. We’ve discussed this possibility before. Precipice of destruction.
WTF, you Americans sure live in movieland, what's the fascination with make believe?
Anyone who watches or reads corporate news lives in a make believe world.
People kill people.
You are watching a movie.
They want you WEAK.