After my last post asking for advice was such a success (seriously I got so many good points, I managed to get myself to a very peaceful place very quickly) I thought I'd again ask for your view points.
Why do some people wake up and others don't? Why are so few people driven to find the truth? I find myself thinking this everyday when I go get coffee. I live in a city of 1.2 million people. In the last year the number of people I've seen outside without a mask can be counted on one hand. I'm the only one.
At first the dumbfounded stairs shocked me, then it amused me, no I just smile politely before they quickly look away.
Are korean people just supremely cucked (I'm not korean fyi).
Give me your whackiest thoughts.
Edit : Link to my previous post. There is some seriously good advice to those feeling overwhelmed
The blinded are those with alot of Faith and trust. Some have a need to believe evil isn't that prevalent and why would our own government do bad things to us? They just cannot countenance it. The glass is half full and we are all striving to be good people. It is a defensive mechanism to protect their soul.
I think the early wakers are personalities of deep cynicism who see the glass half empty and have very little faith or trust in the goodness of people. They question everything.
This one is the idea that scares the shit out of me. When did people become so trusting of governments. It's almost as if the previous century was not filled with mass genocides of people by their governments. And that's not even counting people being ordered to their deaths in conscripted conflicts.
I don't think people in general did become trusting. I think the portion of people with that nature always have been in every century and they get easily taken advantage of or killed. They take the rest of us down with them with their good intentions. Evil often can turn good intentions to a bad purpose.
People who want to help people with government programs for instance have a good motive but are unwittingly causing more evil. Ie. Breaking up the natural order of family or causing that person to lack responsibility or ever have to grow. They cannot see what they have done because they feel good that they have done the right thing.