Original article states that only 1/3 of troops rejected the vaccine. How did that multiply to 75%? Not trying to be difficult. Just making sure we aren't misleading others.
Top military figures presented the data to the House Armed Services Committee in a Feb. 17 hearing. Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice Director of Operations Maj. Gen. Jeff Taliaferro told lawmakers that vaccine rejection figures in the military were “somewhere in the two-thirds territory”
Original article states that only 1/3 of troops rejected the vaccine. How did that multiply to 75%? Not trying to be difficult. Just making sure we aren't misleading others.
Top military figures presented the data to the House Armed Services Committee in a Feb. 17 hearing. Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice Director of Operations Maj. Gen. Jeff Taliaferro told lawmakers that vaccine rejection figures in the military were “somewhere in the two-thirds territory”
Again, not being an @$$hole, but here is the source article and original citing: