posted ago by Pmb1903 ago by Pmb1903 +30 / -0

So Trump praises the vaccine while it's proven to cause problems and tons of ppl refuse to get it with various claims to why..I can't imagine Trump not knowing what's going into them. I can't imagine that he can't see the problems that the vaccine has caused with numerous ppl. So why endorse it? Seems everybody on this page disagrees with getting it because we've all done out research on it and found things as well..so why? Why doesn't he call this out like he does everything else? He calls it the greatest accomplishment. I'm not here trying to be a shill but just trying to come to an understanding as why. Can someone please inform me on thiis. Is there is some kind of plan behind this like everything else? Help me out here. I can't wrap my head around it. Plus on a side note he claimed something else worked that was denied by fda and legislation but then approves of this..I will gladly appriciate all thoughts on this.