THEORY: The vaccines are NOT a depopulation weapon. Trump rushed them out so the Democrats wouldn't have an excuse to drag COVID out, to gain control over us for YEARS, stripping us of our rights. People are aware that the vaccines use experimental tech, so it's their choice to risk injury or death.
?? Theory ??

The problem I have with any depopulation covid vaccine conspiracy, is there would need to be collusion on a massive scale for it to be real. There are many types of vaccines being developed by many scientists over many continents.
Not saying it isn't possible, just extremely unlikely imho. The alleged conspiracy from Gates other vaccine programs is that they made people infertile. I would also look more into why Gates is buying up all the farm land. I can't say I trust the guy.
I agree... Gate buying up solid crop ground is scary... very scary.
Exactly. Being natural skeptics, we want to think everything is some grand conspiracy to kill us, but creating a vaccine that deliberately kills people would be impossible, from a realistic perspective.
I mean, they're already being sued!
This is where my theory with Israel comes into play. "Saving Israel for last" Israel is the most vaccinated country worldwide with almost 6million fully vaccinated. 6 million jews were killed during the holocaust. 6 million jews to be sacrificed in order for Jerusalem to be free (prophecy based on the torah). If depop is the case, we will soon see over the course of this year how the GMO-prick really works.