What has been said FOR and AGAINST the following people and how would all statement being the truth affect our current state of affairs?
POTUS (past and present):
SCOTUS (past and present):
What makes a person something? What makes a person affiliated with X or Y? Their beliefs, correct? So what is said of all the above, and of what is said, what are the saying that are the minimum that MUST be believed in order for that person to be categorized as X or Y?
In todays world, it seems there is hardly ANY overlap of beliefs anymore. Whereas just a couple decades ago, people were not divisively divided, but they still shared many of the same ideals, beliefs and goals.
So what happened to create such a polarization for the citizens of today?
Are there ANY of the above that both LEFT and RIGHT share the same belief, story, history, background, or path forward? Or are we truly 100% split and facing a crisis like to which has never been seen or dealt with before?
What has been said FOR and AGAINST the following people and how would all statement being the truth affect our current state of affairs?
POTUS (past and present): My understanding is that our POTUS has been a good person, a leader and respected all around the world from the 1st till about the 1960s. Kennedy was the LAST TRUE DEMOCRAT POTUS, he was killed by the True Powers of the world because he was a threat to their plans. Since the killing of Kennedy, Presidents have been SELECTED by a uniparty system pretending to be a biparty system. Over the past 50 years, the obviousness of this is more and more clear. Trump was a glitch in their plan, so they did whatever they needed to remove him without making him a martyr. The entire government is corrupt and they don't even care anymore that the people see and know this. They think even if we know, we cannot do anything about it, or we are not willing to do anything about it.
SCOTUS (past and present): I thought SCOTUS was actually a legit body, until I realized Scalia was murdered and that SCOTUS is compromised after their refusal to upon Constitutional Law in the 2020 election cases.
SENATE: A puppet show, life long selected members in many cases that have their elections rigged so they stay in power. Decades of backroom deals, kickbacks to organizations around the globe. They serve government and business and not the people.
HOUSE: Same as above, just not as many.
GOVERNORS: Temporary positions for those waiting to move up to US Senators to replace the career politicians who are corrupted. Whitmer, Ducey, Kemp, DeBlasio, Newsome and many more. Senator Manchin of WV is a perfect example as he took Senator Byrd's lifelong position.
ARMED FORCES: Lower 90% are good guys for the most part, the upper 10% in the Pentagon, MAJCOMS and JCS are puppets for the Military Industrial Complex. 6 figure salaries, 6 figure retirement pensions, and 6 figure corporate positions waiting for them upon retirement.
ALIENS: Used to be something we joked about and watched a few shows on TV to get a chuckle or a Hmmm. Nowadays, who the hell knows. We could be DnA projects of ancient aliens, ex-gold miner slaves, a flesh and bones game of galactic overlords that have us battle each other for their amusement...
RELIGION: Transitional, depends on where you are in life. Struggling people tend to look to religion more often than those that are blessed and have more things to occupy their time. Later in life, started to look at the TEXTS and directions of Religion to be something of a controlling tool for those in power to use again those NOT in power. If you are poor and powerless, yet you life a humble life and worship God, do not sin and support others around you (including the government who controls you and requires you to pay taxes and follow their laws), then you will be greatly rewarded AFTER YOU'RE DEAD AND GONE.
NATIONAL HISTORY: The victors write the history. Who knows what has really happened in our history. Just know it is taught less and less lately, so maybe some of it is true, because those who educate no longer seem to want to talk about it or have others learn it. If you fail to know your history, you are doomed to repeat it.
GLOBAL CONFLICTS: Nearly all of these originate from Religion (see above, and how odd it is for these to be linked if natural). Man made the same as the TEXT and direction from religion. Sin driven, often over limited resources or land. Once side wants to take from the other. Caused by division, if the world were unified no one would have anyone else to fight against.
NEWS MEDIA: Used to think they were honest, they would look for criminals and reveal their evil and bring about investigation and justice. Then became entrenched in the Military Industrial Complex, Corporate Mergers, Evil buying out the Broadcast Companies. News Papers falling into the hands of the corrupted bastards. News trickles DOWN and Parrots repeat it nationally if not globally. Can no longer be trusted, both sides have skewed views, there is no more universally accepted truth.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Started off innocent enough. Turned into fake realities, people posting the best of themselves online, making others feel inferior. This chain reacted and is now the reason for cancel culture, envy, betrayals, and all sorts of negative things.
CIA: They have always been a tool for the bad guys to do bad things without risking the good names of those who pretend to be good.
FBI: Used to be good, then leadership became corrupt. Now they are the strongarm for the criminal elite. Professional destroyers of lives and coverup artists for the crimes.
FEMA: Who really knows, and that is scary in itself.
CARTELS: Money laundering for the elites, hauls some drugs around on the side.
CABALS: Social circles for the elites, they get to play games and pretend they are in secret groups and have special powers aside from their money and the fact the religions of the world are built to protect them from the prying eyes of the common Joe and Jane.
VATICAN: Portal to Hell. Puppet masters, string pullers, hoarders of all kinds of relics. Religion manipulators and war mongers. Child molesters and the gateway for the cults to exist alongside religion.
DC: SWAMP, liars, cons, cesspool of evil and the center for political theatre.
CITY OF LONDON: The laundromat for the money of the world, the safe haven for the bankers and corrupt financiers to plot their profits which support the Cabal, Cartels and Vatican.
BILDERBERG GROUP: Literally the biggest fuck fest of egomaniacs that have too much money and power that for some reason they are the worlds coders and they have to draw up the plans and decisions for the other 7 billions of us peasants.
ILLUMINATI: Who the hell knows, it seems more of a movie version of the cabal/bilderberg group. Seems to be made too public, and too many people seem to WANT to be publicly associated with the group for it to be legit. I personally think it is a false flag, distractor to keep people from focusing on the real threats to humanity.
SATAN: EVIL, storybook fallen angel that instills humanity to do bad things.
GOD: GOOD, the opposite of pretty much everything on this list. The major problem with God though, is MAN is the one who describes this Creator of All. Man thinking he hath the ability to even understand what God is, is the influence of Satan himself. God is everything, we are part of God, just as much as God is a part of us. When we evil is refused, and things made of HIM are accepted, then we are ONE with the ONE creator of all. Try to be with God, more than you are with anything else during your life, use your heart and your mind will lead you down the right path.