19 Never Forget what the Banks did and What the Deplorables can do about it Part 2 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by WalkerCounty1 3 years ago by WalkerCounty1 +19 / -0 6 comments download share 6 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Banks and Major corporations cutting ties with Trump ....article attached.
How to make the Banks feel our pain with our dollars or should I say our Silver.
check out Scotty Mar10 vid at 1:54 mark
Scotty Mar10 vid "Thunder" notice the beginning and the end...in between the military take over of Myanmar
Interesting facts about Silver. The Atomic Weight of Silver is 107. The Atomic Number of Silver is 47. Silver AG - A is 1st letter of alphabet and G is the 7th...AG 17