That text looks like a password but none of the other things in the same column look like passwords for the other entries.. so not sure what this is supposed to signify.
What I do know, is that Wells Fargo have been a very criminal institution for a long time. Like financing and laundering money for mexican drug cartels, and for criminal loan forgeries over the 2008 financial crisis real-estate crash.
the guy is a drug addict so you can't expect his excel sheets to really be coherent. (but somehow qualified to be an executive at a Ukrainian energy firm)
That text looks like a password but none of the other things in the same column look like passwords for the other entries.. so not sure what this is supposed to signify.
What I do know, is that Wells Fargo have been a very criminal institution for a long time. Like financing and laundering money for mexican drug cartels, and for criminal loan forgeries over the 2008 financial crisis real-estate crash.
So being involved with abhorrent scum like the bidens? Not too surprising.
the guy is a drug addict so you can't expect his excel sheets to really be coherent. (but somehow qualified to be an executive at a Ukrainian energy firm)