HMM.... Jan 20 WH Flag Fact Check -- But What About Tonight?
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Its a bad photo/
Howso? It's in line with what the livestream is missing:
I am not saying you are wrong, but I have seen proof of people claiming there was not flag on certain days and then videos posted of the image and the video after and a flag flips in the wind a little bit. I understand the need to zoom in. I just don't take this photo as a fact there wasn't a flag. Again, you could be right. It's a bad photo to me because it is blurry and doesn't prove anything.
Did you check the livestream?
Twice. Haven't seen a flag "blowing in the wind". Just now the site seemed down. also it says its shot from 38°54'03.5"N 77°02'11.3"W 815-899 Black Lives Matter Plz NW, Washington, DC 20006, USA