Oh, irony of ironies! The very same poster leading leftists here to the community has put me on notice that candid disagreement equals being a leftist....
My reputation across multiple forum/communities stands irrespective of your tantrum. Irrespective of what you think.
Making mountains out of molehills by compulsive posting and disjointed reactivity is really not a flattering look for a patriot. End of communication... continue as you wish.
You are allowing your ego to take precedence over what is right. I would argue against such a situation, and would further argue that that exact situation led us to where we are today.
You're on notice as a leftist infiltrator. I will not let you dissuade me.
You remind me of a certain high profile ats poster that ended up being a shill.
Oh, irony of ironies! The very same poster leading leftists here to the community has put me on notice that candid disagreement equals being a leftist.... My reputation across multiple forum/communities stands irrespective of your tantrum. Irrespective of what you think.
Making mountains out of molehills by compulsive posting and disjointed reactivity is really not a flattering look for a patriot. End of communication... continue as you wish.
You are allowing your ego to take precedence over what is right. I would argue against such a situation, and would further argue that that exact situation led us to where we are today.
A downvote and no reply indicates I was correct in my assessment.