How well is this info vetted? I believe him, it’s sick to say “I want this to be real” because I don’t. I don’t want it to be real. I want it all to be fake and to know this isn’t happening en masse on a planetary scale by all the people we love and trust and pay money to.
I want it all to be a lie. Unfortunately it’s probably real. I hope we won and it’s over.
I believe Lin Woods believes this Ryan White guy. I believe Ryan believes what he is saying. I just have a big red flag about all this. I can see one or two of these guys being pedos/murderers but everyone of them? And their wives in on it? Color me skeptical.
If you were an investigative journalist, you would look into arrests that were mentioned in the interview and the divorces that were talked about (I roughly checked and they are true). The hospital records, arrest records, and court records for some of the stuff mentioned should also check out.
How well is this info vetted? I believe him, it’s sick to say “I want this to be real” because I don’t. I don’t want it to be real. I want it all to be fake and to know this isn’t happening en masse on a planetary scale by all the people we love and trust and pay money to. I want it all to be a lie. Unfortunately it’s probably real. I hope we won and it’s over.
I believe Lin Woods believes this Ryan White guy. I believe Ryan believes what he is saying. I just have a big red flag about all this. I can see one or two of these guys being pedos/murderers but everyone of them? And their wives in on it? Color me skeptical.
If you were an investigative journalist, you would look into arrests that were mentioned in the interview and the divorces that were talked about (I roughly checked and they are true). The hospital records, arrest records, and court records for some of the stuff mentioned should also check out.
He’s posted some court cases he’s been involved in against various government entities under his pseudonym Ryan Dark White.